Personal guidance
Telford and Wrekin – Future Focus
"Good career guidance is the key to social mobility: It is about showing young people – whatever their social and family background – the options open to them, and helping them make the right choices to set them on the path to rewarding future careers", Good Career Guidance – Gatsby.
The Government’s Careers Strategy sets out that every school and academy providing secondary education should use the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks to develop and improve their careers provision. This statutory guidance has been restructured around the Benchmarks with information on what schools need to do to meet each one. The Gatsby Benchmarks are not a statutory framework but by adopting them, schools can be confident that they are fulfilling their legal duties - to ensure that they secure independent careers guidance and provide opportunities for a range of providers to inform pupils about technical education qualifications or apprenticeships. They must also publish information about their careers programme on the school website. Ofsted recognises the importance of careers guidance and references its importance throughout their inspection framework.
Career guidance is about raising aspirations, aiming high and avoiding making any assumptions about the limits on a young person’s options. It assists young people to make realistic choices about their education, training and work. It is impartial, and supports the individual to consider what option is best for them. For some young people, university may offer the best route after school. For others, technical routes or apprenticeships may be better. Good career guidance means showing all young people all the options open to them, whichever route they eventually take.
Shropshire Youth
Careers Information, Advice and Guidance is available for young people in full time education. As set out by the statutory Careers Guidance from the DFE (2018), all young people are required have access to impartial careers advice. Schools and colleges are required to ensure that they have an impartial Careers Adviser, to help support students in understanding the opportunities available to them, related to significant points in their transition phases. (Gatsby Benchmark 8).
If you are aware of any young person(s) that require support with Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG), the school or college they are attending should be contacted requesting an appointment with the in-house Careers Adviser, in order to support their needs around careers and aspirations.
If the young person in question has left full time education, you can contact Shropshire Youth for impartial and independent Careers Guidance using the below contact details.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01743 258850
Facebook: Shropshire Youth